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Cloud Composer - January 9th, 2025 [Announcement, Issue]



## Issue **January 10, 2025 update**: The issue is resolved. _(Cloud Composer 3 only)_ We are currently experiencing an issue with automatic environment upgrades and upgrading Airflow builds for Cloud Composer 3 in asia-south1, europe-west1, and asia-northeast2 regions. The upgrades are temporarily disabled as we continue our work to restore the listed functionalities. We will release an additional announcement after the issue is resolved. ## Announcement In January 2025, we will **delete inactive Cloud Composer 1 environments that are non-recoverable**. Environments that have both of the following problems present at the same time will be deleted: * The environment's underlying GKE cluster is deleted. * The environment is in the ERROR state for at least 60 days because of a disabled billing account or because the Cloud Composer API service was deactivated in its project. This change doesn't affect buckets of these environments. You can still recover your DAGs and other data from the environment's bucket and then delete the bucket manually. See [Delete environments]( for information about data that is not deleted automatically together with the environment.