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Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL version 17 adds support for the following extensions and plugins



## Feature Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL version 17 adds support for the following extensions and plugins: **Extensions and plugins** * ip4r * oracle\_fdw * orafce * pg\_background * pg\_bigm * pgfincore * pg\_hint\_plan * pg\_partman * pg\_proctab * pgrouting * pg\_similarity * pgtap * pgtt * pg\_wait\_sampling * PL/Proxy * plv8 * postgresql\_anonymizer * postgresql\_hll * prefix * temporal\_tables Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL version 17 doesn't support: * rdkit * pg\_squeeze To use these extensions and plugins in your PostgreSQL 17 instance, update your instance to the `POSTGRES_17_2.R20241011.00_11` maintenance version. To learn how to check your maintenance version, see [Self service maintenance]( To find your maintenance window or to manage maintenance updates, see [Find and set maintenance windows]( To start using PostgreSQL 17, see [Create instances](