Amazon RDS adds Oracle Database R6i SE2 License-Included option in additional regions
[Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle]( now offers Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 (SE2) with the License-Included (LI) purchase option in additional AWS Regions for R6i instance class. RDS for Oracle R6i LI instances are now available in Asia Pacific (Malaysia) and Canada West (Calgary).
In the LI service model, you don’t need to separately purchase Oracle licenses. Amazon RDS for Oracle LI pricing includes the software license, the underlying hardware resources, and all database management capabilities. Simply launch an Oracle SE2 instance in the [AWS Management Console]( or using the [AWS CLI]( and specify the License-Included option. Configuration details for available instance types can be found on the [Amazon RDS for Oracle Instance Types]( page.
Amazon RDS for Oracle allows you to set up, operate, and scale Oracle database deployments in the cloud. See [Amazon RDS for Oracle Pricing]( for up-to-date pricing and regional availability.