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Amazon ElastiCache now supports 1-click connectivity setup between EC2 and your cache



Starting today, you can easily connect [Amazon ElastiCache]( clusters to an [Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)]( instance directly from the AWS Management Console. You can also connect to your cache using [AWS CloudShell]( to execute commands without additional setup. With a single click, you can establish secure connectivity between your cache and an EC2 instance, following [AWS recommended best practices]( ElastiCache automatically configures VPCs, security groups, and network settings, eliminating the need for manual tasks like setting up subnets and ingress/egress rules. This streamlines the process for new users and developers, enabling them to launch a cache instance and connect it to an application within minutes. You can also choose to connect to your cache from the Console using AWS CloudShell. Just click the “Connect to cache” button in the new “Connectivity and Security” tab. This will open a new AWS CloudShell session and connect to your cache using the valkey-cli tool. Once connected, you can execute common Valkey commands, including reading data (e.g. GET <key>) and writing data (e.g. SET <key> <value>). This lets you test cache functionality directly in the console, without needing to connect to it from an EC2 instance. Learn more about setting up connectivity to a compute resource from your ElastiCache cluster in the [Amazon ElastiCache user guide](