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Retirement: All Azure Automation jobs running on Agent-based Hybrid Worker will be stopped from 1 April 2025



**Starting April 1, 2025,** all jobs running on agent-based User Hybrid Runbook Worker will be stopped. Azure Automation Agent-based User Hybrid Worker([Windows]( & [Linux]( retired on**August 31, 2024, and is no longer supported** **.** It poses a potential Security risk since Agent-based Hybrid Worker has not been getting any Security fixes post-retirement. Hence, it is strongly recommended that you move _to_ [extension-based User Hybrid Runbook Worker (Windows & Linux)]( _for executing Hybrid jobs._ _Key benefits of new approach:_ \- Enhanced security posture for your VMs through access control using system-assigned managed identities, instead of self-managed certificates \- Improved operational productivity for keeping the workers up to date, using automatic upgrades and at-scale management of the VMs \- Simplified installation of extension while eliminating the need to install Log Analytics agent. Follow the [instructions]( migrate your agent-based User Hybrid Runbook Workers to extension-based Hybrid Workers before April 1, 2025\.