AWS Transfer Family supports custom directory locations to store AS2 files
[AWS Transfer Family]( now allows you to customize the directories for your Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) files, including the inbound AS2 messages, message disposition notifications (MDN), and other metadata files. This enables you to separate your AS2 messages from the MDN files and status files generated by the service, and automate downstream processing of the messages received from your trading partners. AS2 is a business-to-business messaging protocol used to transfer Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) documents across various industries, including healthcare, retail, supply chain and logistics. You can now specify separate directory locations to store your inbound AS2 messages, the associated MDN files, and the JSON status files generated by the service. This option overrides the service-default directory structure for storing these file types, enabling easier automation of downstream processing for your AS2 messages using other AWS services. For example, you can directly store inbound AS2 messages in the input directory used for [AWS B2B Data Interchange](, facilitating automatic conversion of X12 EDI contents into common data representations such as JSON or XML.
Support for custom directory locations for AS2 files is available in [all AWS Regions where AWS Transfer Family is available]( To learn more about AWS Transfer Family’s AS2 offering, visit the [documentation]( and take the [self-paced workshop](