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VPC Flow Logs metadata annotations include InstanceGroupDetails



## Feature VPC Flow Logs metadata annotations include [InstanceGroupDetails]( This feature is available in **General Availability**. ## Issue There is a known issue with global access endpoints that access services that are published by using internal passthrough Network Load Balancers or internal protocol forwarding (target instances). Private Service Connect doesn't validate that the global access setting on the endpoint matches the setting on the producer's load balancer. We recommend the following: * If you're a service consumer, only enable global access on an endpoint if you know that the producer's load balancer is configured for global access. For more information, see endpoint [Known issues]( * If you're a service producer whose services are hosted on internal passthrough Network Load Balancers or internal protocol forwarding (target instances), and those services are accessed through global access endpoints, ensure that global access is enabled on your services' load balancers. For more information, see published services [Known issues](