The AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes operator version 1.3.0 is generally available (GA)
## Announcement
The [AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes operator]( version 1.3.0 is generally available ([GA]( Version 1.3.0 includes the following new features and changes:
* The Kubernetes operator 1.3.0 supports [connection pooling]( ([Preview](
* You can [put the database in maintenance mode]( to make a maintenance update or repair a pod.
* You can [create replication slots and users]( for logical replication via the Operator API from your database instance to subscribed applications.
* This release of the Kubernetes operator adds support for [kube-state-metrics]( so that you can use Prometheus or a Prometheus-compatible scraper to consume and display custom resource metrics like DBCluster Backup, and DBInstance. For more information, see [Monitor AlloyDB Omni Kubernetes operator custom resources](
* When you create a new database cluster, this version of the Kubernetes operator creates read-only (RO) and read-write (RW) load balancers concurrently, which reduces the time that it takes for the database cluster to be ready for connections and queries.
* Configurable log rotation has a default retention time of seven days, and each archived file is individually compressed using Gzip. For more information, see [Configure AlloyDB Omni log rotation](
* Various bug fixes and performance improvements.