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Amazon EC2 announces Time-based Copy for AMIs



Amazon EC2 announces the general availability of Time-based Copy for Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). Similar to [Time-based Copy for EBS snapshots ](, this feature enables customers to meet their compliance objectives by ensuring that AMIs are copied within and across AWS Regions within a specified duration. Prior to today, customers could not predict or control the duration of their AMI copy operations, making it challenging for them to meet their recovery time objectives for disaster recovery and compliance purposes. Now with this capability, customers can specify a desired completion duration, ranging from 15 minutes to 48 hours, for individual AMI copy requests. Customers can also monitor their AMI Copy operations via EventBridge and the new SnapshotCopyBytesTransferred CloudWatch metric, available by default at a 1-minute frequency for no additional charge. Time-based Copy for AMIs is available in all AWS commercial Regions and the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, through the AWS Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), and AWS SDKs. For pricing information, please visit the [EBS pricing page]( To learn more, see the technical documentation for [Time-based Copy for AMIs](