Generally Available: Vaulted Backup Support for Azure Files Standard Shares
Azure Backup Vaulted support for Azure Files shares standard is now generally available providing enhanced data protection with the ability to configure snapshot and vaulted backup in a single policy and offers cross account/regional recovery.
Previously, customers had the ability to schedule point-in-time snapshots, now with vaulted backup you will have the following additional benefits:
* Vaulted backup support now enables adherence to the widely accepted 3-2-1 backup rule for Azure files protection alongside centralized management to gain visibility, monitor jobs, alerts and reporting using Azure Business Continuity Center.
* Protect against **ransomware** and malicious activities with immutable backups and soft delete functionality on recovery services vault.
* **L** **ong-term retention** is essential for meeting **compliance** and audit requirements. Vaulted backup provides daily, monthly, and yearly backups that can be retained in cost-effective storage for up to 99 years.
The vaulted backup for Azure Files - premium is in public preview. You will incur charges for vaulted backup of standard and premium files from 1st April 2025\.
Learn more:
* About pricing, refer to the [Azure File share backup pricing]( page.
* About vaulted backup for File share, refer to [this article](
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