GKE now allows you to enable logging of Horizontal Pod Autoscaler decisions starting from GKE version 1.31.5-gke.1090000 or later, or version 1.32.1-gke.1260000 or later
## Feature
GKE now allows you to enable logging of Horizontal Pod Autoscaler decisions starting from GKE version 1.31.5-gke.1090000 or later, or version 1.32.1-gke.1260000 or later. These logs include [atomic recommendations](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/view-horizontalpodautoscaling-events#atomic%5Frecommendation) (based on individual metrics) and [final recommendations](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/view-horizontalpodautoscaling-events#final%5Frecommendation) (consolidated HPA decisions). The logs are stored in Cloud Logging and offer insights into the decision-making process of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.
## Feature
You can now [monitor startup latency](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/monitor-startup-latency-metrics) of Kubernetes workloads and nodes using the new **Startup Latency** dashboard available in the Observability tab on the Deployment details and Cluster details pages in the GKE Console. The dashboard is useful for tracking, troubleshooting and optimizing startup latency of your GKE workloads.