Logic Apps improved designer and managed APIs
The latest updates for Logic Apps brings a number of major improvements to the platform's design, deployment, and manage experiences.**Improved designer experience**A new designer experience makes authoring workflows simple and powerful. You can easily search a number of available APIs and flow data through each step of a workflow.You can also deploy your custom API apps and access them easily in the designer. Within seconds, you can have a reliable workflow to complete a task such as "When a drop-box file is added, copy it to the Azure Blob and add a row to a SQL Azure database."[![Logic App DropBox and Azure Blob](https://azurecomcdn.azureedge.net/mediahandler/acomblog/updates/ServiceUpdates/imported/images-2016-02-Logicdropblob-208x300.png)](https://azurecomcdn.azureedge.net/mediahandler/acomblog/updates/ServiceUpdates/imported/images-2016-02-Logicdropblob.png)**Managed API connections**Connectors are now pre-deployed and managed by the service, which provides secure, reliable, and scalable managed APIs that you can use to quickly create connections to include in Logic Apps.Using managed APIs speeds up the design of Logic Apps and simplifies deployments. In the set of managed APIs, we have included connectivity to **Dynamics CRM Online**. This enables Logic Apps to gain access to the most popular Dynamics CRM operations, such as creating a new record, updating an item, and getting and deleting records.[![Logic App list of managed API operations](https://azurecomcdn.azureedge.net/mediahandler/acomblog/updates/ServiceUpdates/imported/images-2016-02-Logiccreateaction-300x282.png)](https://azurecomcdn.azureedge.net/mediahandler/acomblog/updates/ServiceUpdates/imported/images-2016-02-Logiccreateaction.png)For a full list of managed APIs that are supported, see [Here's the list of Microsoft-managed APIs for building apps](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/apis-list/).To see more about this update, watch [Logic Apps Live](https://aka.ms/logicappslive).
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