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Azure Security Center enhancements



Azure Security Center helps customers take control of cloud security policies, monitor the current security of Azure resources, and detect and respond to active attacks. The following updates for Azure Security Center are available or will be soon: * **Integrated vulnerability assessment available for preview**: Customers can now deploy vulnerability assessment solutions from partners like Qualys in just a few clicks. Findings from these solutions will be combined so customers can view a prioritized list of all security vulnerabilities identified by Security Center and integrated partners in one place. * **Expanded web application firewall (WAF) capabilities available for preview**: Streamlined deployment, monitoring, and alerting of partners’ WAF solutions is now available for the Web Apps feature in Azure App Service using App Service Environments. * **Azure Storage security assessment preview coming soon**: Security Center will soon let customers enable built-in encryption for their storage accounts with just a few clicks. * **New detections generally available**: Ongoing security research has resulted in new analytics designed to detect insider threats and attempts to persist within a compromised system by using behavioral analysis. Security Center also now looks for outbound DDoS attacks and has enhanced brute-force detection capabilities. * **Security incidents available for preview**: Incidents combine alerts that align to kill chain patterns, and offer insights into attack campaigns that span multiple virtual machines. Malicious activity detected on one virtual machine can be correlated with similar activity on a second virtual machine, so customers can quickly see the actions that an attacker took and which resources are affected. * **Threat intelligence reports available for preview**: Threat reports are now built into Security Center alerts—so customers get valuable information during active threats. Intelligence about an attacker, including tactics and motives, helps customers target incident response and investigations. For more information, please visit the [Azure Security Center]( page. * Security Center * Features * Services * [ Security Center](