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Azure Batch updates for May 2017



New and important Azure Batch capabilities are now available: * Low-priority VMs to enable compute at a fraction of the price (preview): * Low-priority VMs are allocated from surplus compute capacity and are available for up to an 80% discount, enabling certain types of workloads to run for a significantly reduced cost or allowing you to do much more for the same cost. * For more information, see the [announcement](, [Batch documentation](, and [pricing details]( * Metered-based licensing for graphics and rendering software with Azure Batch Rendering (private preview): * Seamlessly submit rendering jobs by using Autodesk’s suite of products with the agility, flexibility, and scalability of Azure compute. * For more information, see the [announcement]( and the [product page]( * Support for built-in output file upload from pool nodes to Azure Blob storage: * ​Batch has always provided the built-in ability to download files by copying them from Azure Blob storage to the pool nodes via task resource files. Now there is built-in support to persist task output files to Blob storage. You can specify output files on a task. * Output file support is available only for pools that you create by using virtual machine configuration (not cloud service configuration). * For more information, see the [Add a task to a job]( article. * Improved support for creating Linux VM users: * When you're specifying the user accounts to be created on each node in pool configuration, you can specify a UID and GID for Linux users. * For more information, see the [Add a pool to an account]( article. * Improved task status reporting: * The execution info for a task now has a result property that indicates if the task succeeded or failed. * For more information, see the [Get information about a task]( article. * Batch * Features * [ Batch](