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Name changes: Automation DSC



The PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) for the Azure Automation DSC service is expanding to include the ability to perform update management, collect inventory, and track changes across both Azure virtual machines and computers running in hybrid datacenters. The name of the DSC Free billing meter changed to “Configuration Management for Azure Nodes,” and the name of the DSC Paid billing meter changed to “Configuration Management for Non-Azure Nodes.” Pricing has not been affected, but you might need to modify billing routines that rely on meter names. Learn more about Automation on the [overview]( and [pricing]( webpages. See the following table for name changes: | **Service name (not changing)** | **Old service type** | **New service type** | **Old resource name** | **New resource name** | **Old EA portal name (product)** | **New EA portal name (product)** | | ------------------------------- | -------------------- | ------------------------ | --------------------- | --------------------- | -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | App Services | Automation | Configuration Management | Automation DSC - Free | Azure Node | Automation DSC - Free - Preview | App Services Configuration Management Azure Node - Preview | | App Services | Automation | Configuration Management | Automation DSC | Non-Azure Node | Automation DSC | App Services Configuration Management Non-Azure Node | * Automation * Services * [ Automation](