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GUID migration: Stream Analytics



Azure Stream Analytics is a fully managed, complex event-processing engine that enables real-time analytic computations on streaming data. The data can come from devices, sensors, websites, social media feeds, apps, infrastructure systems and more. Stream Analytics introduced a new pricing model on 1 February 2017\. With this new pricing model, we added richer capabilities such as geospatial functions, the ability to write custom code by using JavaScript, Visual Studio integration and the removal of all ingress throttling limits. Effective from 1 April 2018, all Azure Stream Analytics customers will be migrated to new GUIDs. There won’t be any pricing impact from this change, but you may need to modify billing routines that rely on new GUID names and resource GUIDs. If your customers have existing Enterprise Agreement (EA) enrolments that were valid as of 1 February 2017, they’ll be able to use Stream Analytics at the previous pricing model until the end of their current enrolment period. At the end of this period, all Stream Analytics jobs will be migrated, and your customers will be transitioned to the new pricing model. Usage of Stream Analytics in new EA enrolments created after 1 February 2017, defaults to the new pricing model for billing purposes. Learn more on the [overview]( webpage and via the [Enterprise Portal]( Here are the migration details: | **Old GUID** | **New GUID** | **Service name** | **Service type** | **Old resource name** | **New resource name** | **Region name** | **Old EA portal name (product name)** | **New EA portal name (product name)** | | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------ | ---------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- | | 8771fb57-295b-4766-9d6f-b729c922af17 | 58112973-4292-4891-b7a2-3853e88dab34 | Business Analytics | Stream Analytics | Streaming Units (Hours) | Standard SU (Hours) | Global | Business Analytics Stream Analytics Streaming | Business Analytics Stream Analytics Standard SU | | ba98688a-fe11-4085-8d3e-b576b2cfa276 | 93ba272c-a86b-48df-9b82-9a3dfcf4aba5 | Business Analytics | Stream Analytics | Streaming Units (Hours) | Standard SU (Hours) | DE Northeast | Business Analytics Stream Analytics Streaming – DE Northeast | Business Analytics Stream Analytics Standard SU – DE Northeast | | ccce42be-ea8c-4f73-9343-3c1ce5cccc85 | d3c881de-1a39-4754-bf58-206ef94be670 | Business Analytics | Stream Analytics | Streaming Units (Hours) | Standard SU (Hours) | DE Central | Business Analytics Stream Analytics Streaming – DE Central | Business Analytics Stream Analytics Standard SU – DE Central | * Azure Stream Analytics * [ Azure Stream Analytics](