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Virtual WAN Scale Unit name changes



On 1 June 2019, the names for the Virtual WAN Scale Unit resource GUIDs will change. There won’t be a pricing impact from this change, but you will need to modify billing routines that rely on names. For detailed changes, see the following table. | **Resource GUID (meter ID)** | **Service name** | **Service type** | **Old resource name** | **New resource name** | **Old product name (EA portal name)** | **New product name (EA portal name)** | | ------------------------------------ | ---------------- | ---------------- | --------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | | 88edecb8-386d-4b88-9f4b-69447b15a1a7 | Virtual WAN | | P2S Scale Unit | VPN P2S Scale Unit | Virtual WAN - P2S Scale Unit | Virtual WAN - VPN P2S Scale Unit | | a7f1b555-20bf-4e26-8e8e-b846a35a9a8d | Virtual WAN | | VPN Scale Unit | VPN S2S Scale Unit | Virtual WAN - VPN Scale Unit | Virtual WAN - VPN S2S Scale Unit | * Virtual WAN * Services * [ Virtual WAN](