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VNet Gateway meter name changes



Effective 1 December 2019, the meter names of VNet Gateway standard, high performance and ultra-high performance will change. There won’t be a pricing impact from this change, but you will need to modify billing routines that rely on names. See the table below for the changes. | **Resource GUID (meter ID)** | **Old service name** | **New service name** | **Service type** | **Resource name** | **Region name** | **Old EA portal product name** | **New EA portal product name** | | ------------------------------------ | -------------------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------ | ----------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | c1fa2cdf-a2fb-4801-9224-67840621eeeb | VNet Gateway | VPN Gateway | High-performance Gateway | Gateway | Global | High Performance Gateway - Gateway | VPN High Performance Gateway | | aadb6ec4-1e11-4025-ada9-597779aafac4 | VNet Gateway | VPN Gateway | High-performance Gateway | Gateway | US DoD | High Performance Gateway - Gateway - US DoD | VPN Standard Gateway - US DoD | | 37481c45-58b3-4df6-a1d2-7abe2cd46b4a | VNet Gateway | VPN Gateway | High-performance Gateway | Gateway | US Gov | High Performance Gateway - Gateway - US Gov | VPN Standard Gateway - US Gov | | f246df93-e03d-4e52-ae97-a43e8f3d542c | VNet Gateway | VPN Gateway | Standard Gateway | Gateway | Global | Standard Gateway - Gateway | VPN Standard Gateway | | b4392bb6-1cb7-4d00-913f-7efe7db3ad0a | VNet Gateway | VPN Gateway | Standard Gateway | Gateway | US DoD | Standard Gateway - Gateway - US DoD | VPN High Performance Gateway - US DoD | | c7b703fa-4243-4992-af1b-63cfebfafd21 | VNet Gateway | VPN Gateway | Standard Gateway | Gateway | US Gov | Standard Gateway - Gateway - US Gov | VPN High Performance Gateway - US Gov | | bc234a3d-532e-4117-b6f6-a16dc199cfd6 | VNet Gateway | ExpressRoute | Ultra High Performance Gateway | Gateway | Global | Ultra High Performance Gateway - Gateway | ExpressRoute Ultra High Performance Gateway | | 03ae22d8-4237-4e6e-9a00-66da8f6e0d8b | VNet Gateway | ExpressRoute | Ultra High Performance Gateway | Gateway | US DoD | Ultra High Performance Gateway - Gateway - US DoD | ExpressRoute Ultra High Performance Gateway - US DoD | | 47d00e07-09ed-46c5-8c69-fb107badc0b1 | VNet Gateway | ExpressRoute | Ultra High Performance Gateway | Gateway | US Gov | Ultra High Performance Gateway - Gateway - US Gov | ExpressRoute Ultra High Performance Gateway - US Gov | * VPN Gateway * Pricing & Offerings * Services * [ VPN Gateway](