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Azure Monitor meter name changes



Effective 1 December 2019, the meter names of Azure Monitor custom metrics will change. There won’t be a pricing impact from this change, but you will need to modify billing routines that rely on names. See the table below for the changes. | **Resource GUID (meter ID)** | **Old service name** | **New service name** | **Service type** | **Old resource name** | **New resource name** | **Region name** | **Old EA portal product name** | **New EA portal product name** | | ------------------------------------ | -------------------- | -------------------- | ---------------- | --------------------- | ------------------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | | ba2b4df6-e886-4cf2-9818-33f27d22b3cf | Azure Monitor | Network Watcher | | Custom metrics | Perf monitor connection metrics | Global | Azure Monitor - Custom metrics | Network watcher - Perf monitor connection metrics | * Azure Monitor * Pricing & Offerings * Services * [ Azure Monitor](