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Azure Cognitive Speech Services meter ID changes



From 1 February 2020, the resource GUIDs (also known as meter IDs) of custom voice endpoint hosting in Speech Services will change. At that time, billing will change from daily to hourly. **Affected resource GUIDs:** | **Service name** | **Service type** | **Resource name** | **Region name** | **Old EA product name** | **New EA product name** | **Old resource GUID (meter ID)** | **New resource GUID (meter ID)** | **Old direct unit of measure** | **New direct unit of measure** | **Old EA unit of measure** | **New EA unit of measure** | | ------------------ | ---------------- | ------------------------------ | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------ | -------------------------- | -------------------------- | | Cognitive Services | Speech | Custom Voice Font Hosting Unit | Global | Speech - Custom Voice Font Hosting Units | Speech - S1 - Custom Voice Font Hosting Units | e5d553f9-40de-4ce4-97aa-4dd577c0079f | e98fd3fa-ba22-4d8b-a4f5-88a113a20677 | 1/day | 1/hour | 1/day | 1,000/hour | | Cognitive Services | Speech | Custom Voice Font Hosting Unit | US Gov | Speech - Custom Voice Font Hosting Units - US Gov | Speech - S1 - Custom Voice Font Hosting Units - US Gov | a5171839-e9c8-4c1f-bffa-a851498e1241 | 9937789e-3adf-48da-9f44-c9970e4d4f0a | 1/day | 1/hour | 1/day | 1,000/hour | * Speech services * Services