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Azure DNS private zones preview API is being deprecated



During public preview release, private DNS zones were created using _dnszones_ ARM resource with _zoneType_ property set to _Private_. Support for zones created using the preview API will be removed on **30 June 2020**, and you must immediately migrate these private DNS zones to the GA resource model. The GA resource model makes use of _privateDnsZones_ resource type instead of _dnszones_. **Post 15 April 2020, you will not be able to create new private DNS zones using preview _dnszones_ resource API. Existing zones created using this API will stop working after 30 June 2020 and must be migrated to GA resource model.** Note: This does not affect public DNS zones created using dnszones resource. These zones will continue to work normally. To find out the dnszones resources that require migration; execute the below command in Azure CLI. _az account set --subscription SubscriptionId_ _az network dns zone list --query "\[?zoneType=='Private'\]"_ **Required Action** 1\. Please delete the private DNS zone if it is no longer required and was created only for evaluation or testing purposes. 2\. If the private DNS zones are in use, please follow the [step-by-step instructions provided in our migration guide]( to migrate the preview DNS zones to latest resource model. The migration process has been automated and all you need to do is to run a powershell cmdlet. 3\. Start using _privateDnsZones_ resource instead of _dnszones_ resource. 4\. Update your automations (scripts/templates) to use API [version 2018-09-01]( and switch to the latest [CLI]([_PowerShell_]([_SDKs_]( If you need assistance with migration process, please create a support ticket. * Azure DNS * SDK and Tools * Services * Retirements * [ Azure DNS](