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Azure Sphere update 20.07 is now available



The Azure Sphere 20.07 update is now available in the retail feed. The 20.07 feature release contains new features for application development and tenant certificate renewal, additional promotions of beta features to long-term stable (LTS), and enhancement to improve stability and troubleshooting of device connections on Windows platforms. For more information on what’s included in this release, please read our post on the [Microsoft Tech Community IoT blog]( For more information on Azure Sphere OS feeds and setting up an evaluation device group, see [Azure Sphere OS feeds]( For self-help technical inquiries, please visit [Microsoft Q&A]( or [Stack Overflow]( If you require technical support and have a support plan, please submit a support ticket in [Microsoft Azure Support]( or work with your Microsoft Technical Account Manager. If you don't have a support plan and require technical support, please see the [Azure support plans]( * Operating System * SDK and Tools