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.NET Core support for Analysis Services client libraries is generally available



In response to customer feedback, we announced the public preview of .NET Core support for Azure Analysis Services client libraries in July 2020\. Today, we are announcing general availability (GA), along with the following additional enhancements: * Support the latest .NET Core release (currently version 3.1) and the latest .NET Runtime (currently version 5.0.1). * Support both framework-dependent and self-contained publishing modes so you can deploy your solutions in environments with and without the .NET Core Framework installed. * Support for Power BI Premium through XMLA endpoints. * Support for on-premises SQL Server Analysis Services in addition to Azure Analysis Services and Power BI. * Windows authentication support without requiring the deployment of the .NET Desktop runtime. * Support for Business Intelligence Semantic Model (BISM) connection files. The new NuGet packages are equivalent to the existing Analysis Services Management Objects (AMO) and ADOMD.NET client packages for the .NET framework, which makes migration of existing applications to .NET Core straightforward. You can now use Azure Functions v2, ASP.NET Core, and other modern environments to connect to and manage your datasets. Update your solutions with the GA packages for [AMO]( and [ADOMD.NET]( * Azure Analysis Services * Features * SDK and Tools * [ Azure Analysis Services](