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General availability: Azure Archive Storage events for easy rehydration of archived blobs



The Azure Archive Storage provides a secure, low-cost means for retaining cold data including backups and archival storage. When your data is stored in Archive Storage, the data is offline and not available for read until it is moved to the hot or cool tier. Previously, the only way to determine when blob rehydration was complete and available to be read was to repeatedly poll the status of the rehydration operation, increasing complexity and cost. Azure Event Grid now supports events that fire when a blob is rehydrated from the archive tier. The **Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated** event fires when a blob is copied from the archive tier to a new destination blob in the hot or cool tier. The **Microsoft.Storage.BlobTierChanged** event fires when the archived blob's tier is changed to hot or cool. Your application can handle these events in order to respond to blob rehydration. For more information, see [Azure Archive Storage rehydration]( and [Run Azure Function to react blob rehydration events]( * Azure Blob Storage * Azure Data Lake Storage * Features * Management * Services