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Public Preview: Azure Migrate - Discover ASP.NET & Java web apps and assess ASP.NET in all environments



Azure Migrate can now discover Java & ASP.NET web apps running on Tomcat & IIS web servers respectively across all stacks (VMware, Hyper-V and Physical) and assess ASP.NET web apps for Azure App Service code (native) at-scale. This feature fills the gaps for customers who have app workloads running on stacks beyond VMware. Key discovery capabilities include: * Scale support: 20,000 web apps per appliance * Support for apps on Windows Server 2008 R2 and above. * Support for apps on Ubuntu Linux 16.04/18.04/20.04, Debian 7/8, CentOS 6/7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5/6/7. * Support for Java web app hosted on Tomcat 8 or later. * Support for .Net app hosted on IIS 7.5 and above. * Support for multiple web app instances in a server * Discovery of Web Server type, Web Server version, URLs, binding ports, application pools, authentication type and application directories. Key assessment capabilities include: * Azure App Service readiness with ability to specify target location, Isolation requirement, reserved instance etc. * Automatic App Service Plan recommendation * Recommended App Service SKU * Highlighting migration blockers and providing mitigation information * Cost of hosting web apps in App Service Get started with an assessment today [here]( * App Service * Azure Migrate * Features * SDK and Tools * [ App Service]( * [ Azure Migrate](