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The “managed” IoT Edge solution on Azure stack Edge will be retired on March 31, 2024. Transition your IoT Edge workloads to an IoT Edge solution running on a Linux VM on Azure Stack Edge.



**_You’re receiving this email because you’re currently using the managed IoT Edge solution on Azure Stack Edge_** The IoT Edge solution included in Azure Stack Edge provides an option to deploy IoT Edge modules on to the Azure Stack Edge Kubernetes environment. This IoT Edge solution for K8s has reached the End of Life (EOL) and there are no plans to update the solution. **On 31 March 2024, the "managed” IoT Edge on Azure stack Edge will be retired**. All existing IoT Edge workloads that are still on the solution will be automatically removed. The Kubernetes cluster hosting the managed IoT Edge solution will be updated with removal of the IoT Edge components from the cluster. There’s no impact to Kubernetes workloads on the cluster. Customers can continue using Kubernetes on Azure Stack Edge. Deploy the latest IoT Edge runtime on a Linux Virtual Machine on Azure Stack Edge and run your IoT Edge workload. Additional information can be found [here]( **Required action** Move your IoT Edge workloads to the latest IoT Edge runtime deployed on a Linux Virtual Machine by **31 March 2024\.** Additional information can be found [here](**.** **Help and support** If you have questions, get answers from community experts in [Microsoft Q&A]( If you have a support plan and you need technical help, create a [support request]( * Retirements