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Anthos clusters on VMware 1.14.4-gke.54 is now available. To upgrade, see Upgrading Anthos clusters on VMware



## Feature Anthos clusters on VMware 1.14.4-gke.54 is now available. To upgrade, see [Upgrading Anthos clusters on VMware]( Anthos clusters on VMware 1.14.4-gke.54 runs on Kubernetes 1.25.8-gke.1500. The supported versions offering the latest patches and updates for security vulnerabilities, exposures, and issues impacting Anthos clusters on VMware are 1.14, 1.13, and 1.12. ## Change Added admin cluster CA certificate validation to the admin cluster upgrade preflight check. ## Fix * Fixed an issue where the Connect Agent continued using the older image after registry credential update. * Fixed an issue where the cluster autoscaler did not work when Controlplane V2 was enabled. * Fixed an issue where a cluster might not be registered when the initial membership creation attempt failed. * Fixed an issue where ClusterRoleBindings in the admin cluster were accidentally deleted upon user cluster deletion. This fix removes dependency on ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding and ServiceAccount objects in the admin cluster. * Fixed an issue where a preflight check for Seesaw load balancer creation failed if the Seesaw group file already existed. * Disabled motd news on the ubuntu\_containerd image. * Fixed an issue where `gkectl check-config` failed at Manual LB slow validation with a nil pointer error. * Fix an issue where enabling Cloud Audit Logs with `gkectl update` did not work. ## Fix Fixed the following vulnerabilities: * High-severity container vulnerabilities: * [CVE-2023-26604]( * [CVE-2023-0361]( * [CVE-2022-29154]( * Container-optimized OS vulnerabilities: * [CVE-2023-0386]( * [CVE-2023-23916]( * [CVE-2023-0464]( * [CVE-2023-27561]( * [CVE-2022-40320]( * [CVE-2023-1652]( * [CVE-2023-28466](