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General Availability: User and group quota management in Azure NetApp Files



Azure NetApp Files provide flexible, large and scalable storage shares for applications and users. In some scenarios, you may want to limit storage consumption of users and groups within the volume. Azure NetApp Files user and group quotas enable you to stay in control and define how much storage capacity can be used by individual users or groups can use within a specific Azure NetApp Files volume. You can set default (same for all users) or individual user quotas on all NFS, SMB, and dual protocol-enabled volumes. On all NFS-enabled volumes, you can define default (same for all users) or individual group quotas. This feature is Generally Available in Azure commercial regions and US Gov region(s). To learn more about managing capacity consumptions by user and group and setting up quota, see links below: * [Quota Concepts]( * Azure NetApp Files * Features * Regions & Datacenters * [ Azure NetApp Files](