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Pod Security Policy is being deprecated with AKS 1.25 and 2023-06-01 API version



Pod Security Policy (preview) is removed in AKS version 1.25 and retired on 1st August 2023 with AKS version 1.24 retirement. An AKS cluster with Pod Security Policy (preview) enabled can not be upgraded to AKS version 1.25+. **Required action** We recommend you migrate to pod security admission controller or Azure policy to stay within Azure support. Pod Security Admission is a built-in policy solution for single cluster implementations. If you are looking for enterprise-grade policy, then Azure policy is a better choice. You can also disable Pod Security Policy (preview) on existing clusters to upgrade to AKS version 1.25+ More information * [Pod Security Policy]( * [Pod Security Admission]( * [Azure policy]( * [Kubernetes announcement]( If you have additional questions, please [contact us]( * Features * Retirements