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Generally Available: Azure Bastion Premium



Azure Bastion Premium is a new SKU to target customers handling highly sensitive virtual machine workloads. Its mission is to offer enhanced security features that ensure customer virtual machines are connected securely and to monitor VMs for any anomalies that may arise. Our first set of features will focus on ensuring private connectivity and graphical recordings of virtual machines connected through Bastion. With the new Azure Bastion Premium SKU, you can now configure the following features: * Record all virtual machine sessions that are connected via a session-recording Bastion. View the [configure session recording]( * Connect to Bastion via a private endpoint. Learn to [configure this setting]( When you are ready, head over to the [Azure portal]( to get started. Learn more: * Bastion documentation: [About Azure Bastion | Microsoft Learn]( * Learn more about our SKU offerings: [About Azure Bastion | Microsoft Learn]( * Learn more about graphical session recording: [Record Bastion sessions - Azure Bastion | Microsoft Learn]( * Learn more about private-only Bastion: [Deploy private-only Bastion | Microsoft Learn](